Τετάρτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008


As I mentioned in a recent posting, I have been introduced to a channelled source of information that has proved to be incredibly accurate. In fact, it is clear to me now that this consciousness has been guiding me to uncover the global conspiracy and preparing me to do so all my life.

I had arranged to converse with this source through an extremely gifted "channel" two weeks before the U.S. atrocities and the appointment turned out to be the day after the tragedy. What I was told supported my own "this-world" research that the plan is to trigger a conflict with China that would lead to the formation of world government, central bank, currency and army and turn the planet into an orbiting prison camp. Another highly likely scenario I have been told about many times by United States "insiders", incidentally, is an attack on the Muslim shrine at Temple Mount in Jerusalem to further escalate conflict with the Islamic world, and my own view is that we could possibly even see the assassination of President Bush and someone very close to Tony Blair to increase still more dramatically the measures imposed to "fight terrorism". Horrific as the events of September 11th were, they are just the start, not the end of this stage of the Illuminati-reptilian agenda.

I asked this other dimensional source to tell me who was really responsible for what happened in New York and Washington and this was the reply. This conversation took place on September 12th 2001. See what you think:

I believe that in your time you call these tragic and unfortunate circumstances that prevail a "smoke screen". That is to say the forces of one faction rise against the forces against another. You are being …society is being deceived.

There will be those that will proclaim themselves responsible… [or are blamed by others]…they possibly will use such emotive terms as Jihad [Holy War]. And there are those that will claim themselves to be victims and of course recriminations, eventual attacks, will take place against those that report to claim responsibility for this.

It is a hideous distraction. It is a distraction from what's really taking place. I would like to make a prediction of how we foresee what will unfold. Now when I say to make a prediction that does not mean that the circumstances cannot be changed. I sincerely hope that enough positive thought will be projected into the situation that the situation will indeed be altered from that we foresee…Islamic forces will be attributed or claim responsibility for this. You will have noticed in your media the days before this attack that great play was made of how stocks, shares and finance was in a state of decline…I think it is called recession, yes? Now, how very, very coincidental that this was made public the day before some great catastrophe that would enforce financial decline of nations of your world.

You see, a public declaration, a predicted recession, was a coded message. It was a coded message that the dark day had arrived. Therefore, a public declaration through television, the media. Impending recession was the coded message.

About your world there are those that are enforced or are enslaved to the dark forces. It was their instruction. It was their instruction to gather into their groups and put into place their piece of a very, very dark jigsaw. Some rituals were undertaken which were themselves an illusion of the true insidiousness behind them. Certain enactments were taking place. The truth of course is that those [political leaders] who are claiming themselves and their nation to be victims are in fact one of the perpetrators of what has been done on their own soil. This goes back a very, very long time. You may well remember in your own understanding of modern history, the forces of the United States gave great financial assistance to the country of Afghanistan when they were invaded by the Soviet Union as it was at the time. But of course that was just a piece being put into place.

This present crisis will erupt and fester and boil for a while and those that proclaim themselves to be followers of Mohammed will rise and proclaim what they call the holy Jihad. The forces of the United States of America and their supposed allies will rise proclaiming themselves to be preserving the freedom of the world and the liberty of the world.

While all this distraction is going on the army will be mustering their forces and then as it all dies down, the United States of America will enter into the true engagement of destruction with the Red Army. Behind all this are certain ladies and gentlemen…I am almost reluctant to describe them as such…they are manipulating the very governments, commerce, industry and they, in turn, are having their lives influenced by that which is dimensionally removed from your world, as I believe I have expressed to you before. Neither of your dimension or our dimension, but in a false space between. [ What I call the reptilians - see previous posting and Children of the Matrix].


Watch very carefully my friend in the course of the coming months the activities of the Bundesbank. Watch very carefully the activities of Fort Knox in the United States of America. You will see the great reserves of finance go and be removed from this establishment. Actually where they are being deposited will be almost impossible to trace. Continents, countries will be removing from their depositories gold stocks, transporting them to the Bundesbank, Fort Knox and other gold depositories elsewhere. But then they shall be moved again. Nobody will be able to exactly ascertain where they are being removed to.


You will notice that certain families have gone very quiet in the public eye, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, the Gettys. Suddenly you will find that they will proclaim themselves wanting to undertake great acts of world charity. Certain people within what you perceive to be the entertainment industry will suddenly become very engaged in what appear to be humane, charitable acts. Yes…not that I am so very fond of doing so but it is worth remembering certain biblical texts …"Beware the false prophets".


The appearance of certain people will be drastically altered. They will undertake surgical procedures to alter their appearance. And you may be aware there are certain people within your entertainment industry that undertake this manipulation of flesh, you call it cosmetic surgery don't you? Well that in itself is another insidious deception. It is just being done for vanity reasons. Appearance has to be altered because there is a much more insidious procedure being done at the same time. Certain of those you call celebrities are being genetically manipulated, this is being covered by claims that they undertake cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is necessary to conceal exactly what is being done to them on a biological and genetic level.

And they shall start to proclaim themselves as wanting to undertake great actions of world healing, of world charity, manipulating the people to believe that a false peace is coming. …They will proclaim to the public and use their popularity to influence people to favour certain political and social changes.[Michael Jackson was one named mentioned in relation to this]. Celebrity status has always been used and used very often to try to persuade greater numbers of people to be favourable towards a political system. Some in the past of course have done this with the greatest of motives. But it is still manipulation.

David Icke: What is happening to them genetically, screened by the cosmetic surgery and why?

Alterations within the matter of brain. The brain will not allow the truer functions of the spirit and mind to interact with caporal flesh.

David Icke: Creating Zombies, in other words?

Oh yes. Oh yes. And if they strive to overcome this, they strive to resist this, things will be done in their lives that will bring them great discomfort. [ I was given details of a particular celebrity who has suffered in this way and is being prepared for use in the above Illuminati propaganda, but I was asked to keep these details to myself for now.]

Within the industry of entertainment, particularly that based in the United States, you will see that those who have agreed to comply, how their popularity seems to increase. They are being used as instruments to influence peoples of the world. You see politicians are becoming unbelievable. [People] are becoming aware that those who wear the mantle of politicians, for the greater part cannot be trusted. But because of the influence of technology, brainwashing technology, peoples have been persuaded to love and adore celebrities. Therefore, the great army of those that are without control of…[their minds]… come from those whom people have been persuaded to adore.


David Icke: Can you confirm that President George W. Bush and our Prime Minister Tony Blair in Britain knew that the atrocities in America were going to happen?

Of course they knew. Of course they knew. If one has been instrumental in the planning of something that can be attributed to the responsibility of someone else, of course they know. If you are a planner then you must know of the plan, mustn't you? The antagonism between Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair, and Mr. Hussein and Mr. Fayed [father of Dodi, who died with Princess Diana], this is all a faηade. These people are in constant contact with one another. Possibly not through the means of what you would call conventional technology. Each is intrinsically aware of what the other is thinking. Therefore if not in the conscious state, certainly in the sleep state. They are communing with one another putting into place plans.

Question: This is because inside what we call the physical form of Bush, Blair, Hussein and Fayed, is the same force from what we call this "in - between" dimension?

Yes, there is the corrupted genetic material [see previous posting: REPTILIANS: WHY THEY ARE OBSESSED WITH BLOODLINE AND RITUAL].

It is vital for people to understand that world leaders and controllers in politics, finance and media are possessed beings, possessed in thought and emotion by entities from this frequency range of existence between this physical dimension and the non-physical. This "in-between" world. This is the connecting force that ensures that the game, the illusion, the daily movie, can be projected at people through the media while a very different and highly co-ordinated agenda can unfold behind it.

While the illusion tells us that Bush and Hussein, Russia, China, America, and the Islamic world etc, etc., are on different "sides", in fact those who control those countries and beliefs are merely physical shells for the SAME force. This is why the same interconnecting bloodlines (DNA connection to these entities) are in the positions of power all over the world controlling and manipulating the "masses" in every country (see The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix). They seek to manipulate the masses to fight among themselves while they pull the strings of all "sides" to a common end and agenda.

I know this sounds fantastic and people should walk away if it is too much for them. But without this understanding of what we are facing and what and who is behind it and how, we have got no chance of bringing down this edifice of control and manipulation.

If you think it is appropriate, please circulate this article as widely as possible.

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